heat causing redness and bloodshot hyperplasia are so annoying symptoms of redness

Do you also have these problems?
Redness on the cheeks from time to time; because of emotions, sunburn, alcohol, sneezing during shower, or for no reason?
What causes redness?
- category
- typical causes
- Dysautonomia
- insomnia, under pressure, anxiety
- Sebum aging
- skin aging or photooxidation
- Microvascular expansion
- acquired microvascular proliferation
- Highly stimulated blood vessel
- temperature, food, excitement
- Chronic inflammatio
- pimples, rosacea, atopic dermatitis
- Highly stimulated blood vessel
- incorrect skincare, skin laser
- Persist in taking Steroid
- lead to thinner epidermis and microvascular expansion

Most sensitive skins are able to classify. Find the main reason to take the right medicine, instead of taking steroid directly.
common causes for redness

Tested to stabilize sensitive skin effectively
Cream for sensitive skin
fragrance and essence-free, no reaction
天然法國精油 有效紓緩穩定膚況
因為市面上不管有名沒名的商品 約有6-7成 我擦到臉上都會有過敏反應 不是馬上起紅疹就是隔天冒痘痘...會知道你們的商品 是因為看了我偶像邵庭的直播 親眼見她使用了好長的時間 效果似乎不錯 我才抱著姑且一試看看吧的心態訂購但 你們真的很棒!!含精油的乳霜居然不黏膩(吸收後臉上像有層薄膜的防護罩XD)而且真的沒因為是含油的產品讓我冒痘痘!!
就在今天(剛剛)我洗完臉想說直接單擦你們的乳霜就好,不然其他補水的都還是很刺激... 結果我發現!!!!!還真的單擦你們的霜比較好,不會刺痛到整個發紅,而且因為乾燥泛紅和乾癢也都有緩和 你們的霜真的好讚讚讚啊 !!!(原本不放棄其他牌的補水保養品是怕單擦乳霜會太過滋潤反而不好吸收,但今天單擦了是對的選擇!感動)。
Tested to smooth sensitivities,

一般敏感型肌膚皆可使用的安心配方。嚴選法國百年歷史廠精油,不添加人工香料、香精 *40位一般型敏感肌膚測試,非受損肌膚以及需要醫生治療之嚴重敏感肌。
Tested to smooth sensitivities,
